2020 Travel Awards Winners:
Brenda Cabrera, National Institute of Genomic Medicine INMEGEN
Identification of Possible Classifiers for Suicide Risk by Machine Learning in Concordant Brain-Blood Differentially Methylated Sites
Sarah Colbert, Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado
Differential Shared Genetic Influences on Anxiety With Problematic Alcohol Use Compared to Alcohol Consumption
Ania Fiksinski, University Medical Center Utrecht, University of Toronto, Canada
Using Common Genetic Variation to Examine Phenotypic Expression and Risk Prediction in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
Isabelle Foote, Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine, Queen Mary University of London
More Than a Bivariate Relationship: Exploring the Shared Genetic Architecture of Depression, Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Risk Factors Using Genomic Structural Equation Modelling
Zachary Gerring, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
Translating Gene Networks into Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease
Elis Haan, School of Psychological Science, Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group, University of Bristol
Association Between Maternal Prenatal Tobacco, Alcohol and Caffeine Use and ADHD in Offspring – Causal or Confounded?
Alexander Hatoum, Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine
A Common Genetic Architecture Characterizes Addiction Disorders: Analysis Across Multiple Ancestral Populations
Tomas Lagunas, Washington University in Saint Louis
A Massively Parallel Reporter Assay to Investigate the Contribution of Noncoding Variation in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Xiaoyu Liang, Yale School of Medicine; Veterans Affairs Connecticut Healthcare System
DNA Methylation Age in CD14+ Monocytes Reveals Biphasic Effect of Alcohol Consumption on Epigenetic Aging
Lauren Martin, Stellenbosch University
The Maternal Vaginal Microbiome: An Investigation Into its Influence in the Development of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Natalie Matosin, University of Wollongong
FKBP5 Brain Expression and DNA Methylation Over the Life Course and Convergence on Severe Psychopathology
Alana Panzenhagen, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas: Bioquímica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Peripheral Blood as a Tool to Determine Gene Expression Patterns in Patients With Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Wouter Peyrot, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Identifying Loci With Different Allele Frequencies Among Cases of Eight Psychiatric Disorders Using Cc-GWAS
Joan Puzhakkal, NIMHANS
Minor Physical Anomalies Across Psychiatric Disorders in Multiplex Families
Laura Schellhas, University of Bristol
Does Prenatal Alcohol, Tobacco, and Caffeine Exposure Increase the Risk for Childhood Internalising Problems? Two Large Multi-Cohort Epigenome-Wide Association Studies
Bhagyalakshmi Shankarappa, St John's Medical College Hospital
Study of Genetics and Epigenetics of ALDH2 (Aldehyde Dehydrogenase) in Alcohol Liver Disease
Salil Sukumaran, NIMHANS
Damaging Variants in NRG2 and LAMA1 in Bipolar Disorder May Impair Neuronal Migration
Jorien Treur, Amsterdam UMC
Subcortical Brain Volumes and Substance Use: Using Mendelian Randomization to Assess Causal Relationships
Gabriela Xavier, Federal University of Sao Paulo
Reduced DNA Methylation Age in an Antipsychotic-Naive First Episode of Psychosis
Cuihua Xia, Central South University
BrainEXP-NPD: A Database of Transcriptomic Profiles of Human Brains of Six Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Yuanxin Zhong, Peking University Sixth Hospital, Peking University Institute of Mental Health
Shared and Unique Genetic Risks for Impaired Working Memory in Attention-Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder
Lea Zillich, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University
Analysis of Epigenetic Profiles in Postmortem Brain Samples From Individuals With Alcohol Use Disorder
2020 Poster Presentation Winners:
Chiara Fabbri, Italy
Major Depressive Disorder and Treatment-Resistant Depression from UK Biobank Primary Care Data
Michael Lafferty, United States
Genetic Variants Regulating microRNA Expression in the Developing Human Neocortex
Douglas Wightman, Netherlands
Largest GWAS of Alzheimer’s Disease Implicates Microglia and Immune Cells
2020 Oral Presentation Winners:
Alexandre Lussier, United States
A Prospective Study of Time-Dependent Exposures to Adversity and DNA Methylation in Childhood and Adolescence
Wouter Peyrot, United States
Identifying Loci With Different Allele Frequencies Among Cases of Eight Psychiatric Disorders Using Cc-GWAS
Josefin Werme, Netherlands
LAVA: An Integrated Framework for Local Genetic Correlation Analysis