Educational Resources

What Should a Psychiatrist Know About Genetics?

Pre-Publication Support Service (PREPSS) provides scientific communication training to health researchers and instructors from around the globe.

Review and Recommendations From the Residency Education Committee of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics

References What a Psychiatrist Should Know About Genetics

Genetics and Neurology of Mood Disorders, John Nurnberger, M.D., Ph.D., IUSM Department of Psychiatry (published: July 26, 2017) - PDF Version

Training Module for Residents on Autism Genetics, Daniel Moreno De Luca, MD MSc & David A. Ross, MD PhD, posted on the National Neuroscience Curriculum Initiative website at

Training Module for Residents on Psychopharmacogenomics, Matthew Hirschtritt, MD, MPH, Aaron D. Besterman, MD, and David A. Ross, MD, PhD, posted on the National Neuroscience Curriculum Initiative website at

Psychiatric Genetics - A Primer for Clinical and Basic Scientists
Edited by Thomas G. Schulze and Francis J. McMahon

• Offers a comprehensive overview of psychiatric genetics in concise, easy-to-follow language

• Each chapter begins with a list of “take home” points that summarizes content

• Provides suggestions for further reading on each topic

Order your print copy online for only $45.00 USD. An E-book version is available.