The ISPG Honorific Awards are the Society’s prestigious awards recognizing significant contributions to the field of psychiatric genetics. Awards are available annually but will not be made in absence of work of sufficient merit by nominees. ISPG will honor the awardees at the ISPG awards ceremony during the next world World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG). Candidates and/or Nominators may submit during the annual call for nominations. Submission criteria vary, based on the award category. 



Deadline: TBD

Early career investigator is an individual who is an undergraduate student, graduate student, medical student, post-doctoral student, or less than five years out of a doctoral program in a field relevant to psychiatric genetics. Individuals will need to submit an ECIP application along with a scientific session abstract, such as oral, poster or symposia presentation abstract submission. Only one application will be accepted per person. ECIP travel award recipients from the previous four years (2019-2022) are not eligible to receive the award again.  However, you can participate in the oral and poster finalist program that will be judged during the meeting.  Details are on the ECIP Programming Information.



Deadline: TBD



The Ming Tsuang Lifetime Achievement Award is given to a distinguished senior scientist who has made significant and sustained contributions to the advancement of the field of psychiatric genetics. Candidates are not required to be current members of ISPG but must be nominated by a current member of ISPG.

At the time of submission, nominators must provide a rationale for the nomination, including a brief description of the nominee’s contributions to the advancement of the field of psychiatric genetics and a current, detailed CV of the nominee.  Unsuccessful submissions will be rolled over for two consecutive years.

Submissions are reviewed by the ISPG Awards Committee. The Awardee is invited to present in the Award plenary session at the Annual World Congress and will receive waived registration. The Awardee will also receive lifetime waived registration at the Annual World Congress.



The Theodore Reich Young Investigator Award is given for published work on psychiatric genetics that is of exceptional merit. Candidates must be generally 40 years or younger on the date of the WCPG for consideration and need not be members of the Society.

At the time of submission, nominees must provide a brief description of their scientific work/achievement and a current, detailed CV, including a brief statement for consideration, if they are beyond 40 years of age.  Eligible unsuccessful submissions will be rolled over for two consecutive years.

Submissions are reviewed by the ISPG Awards Committee. The Awardee is invited to present in the Award plenary session at the Annual World Congress.



The Gershon Paper of the Year Award is given to a paper, which has been published and reported on outstanding achievement in the field of psychiatric genetics in the past year (June, of the previous year to the deadline for the award submissions).  The nominator and nominee(s) must be a member of the Society.

Submissions are reviewed by the ISPG Awards Committee. At the time of submission, nominators must provide the full citation of the paper and a brief paragraph about the main achievement of the publication.



The Richard Todd award is given to a researcher for an outstanding contribution to the genetics of child psychiatry.

The recipient is selected by the Awards Committee, based on abstracts accepted for oral presentation at the World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics.



The Hugh Gurling Award is given to an investigator from a non-high income World Bank country, and who resides in such a country at the time of the meeting, for an oral or poster presentation at the WCPG. Finalists selected by the Awards Committee from submitted abstracts will be judged at the WCPG by selected members of the society. The Hugh Gurling Awardee will be announced at the Closing Remarks of the WCPG.

The awardee is invited to submit a manuscript on the presented work to the Society’s nominated journal. After the manuscript has passed peer review, it will be featured in this journal under the byline Hugh Gurling Memorial Award Paper.




Submission Type Deadlines: Status Submission Instructions
Gershon Paper of the Year Award COMING SOON View Instructions
Ming Tsuang Lifetime Achievement Award COMING SOON View Instructions
Theodore Reich Young Investigator Award COMING SOON View Instructions