The International Society of Psychiatric Genetics (ISPG) warmly invites you to attend the World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG), September 13-17, 2022 in Florence, Italy. These are exciting times in psychiatric genetics. With unprecedented data availability, thanks to international efforts, we are moving from gene-identification to understanding mechanisms of psychiatric disorders, allowing for a rethinking of psychiatric categorization and for new intervention approaches to be envisaged. The WCPG is the premier international scientific meeting for research in psychiatric genetics and related areas. Leading experts of genetics, neuroscience, and psychiatry from all over the world will be participating.
The motto of this year’s WCPG is “Vanishing Boundaries in Psychiatry”. With this motto, we want to give attention to the important widening and diversification of our field, such as the extension from gene-finding to biological understanding, vanishing boundaries between psychiatric and non-psychiatric disorders/diseases, between disorders and population traits, and between monogenic and polygenic disorders. We want to give attention to the widening of genetic analyses across ancestries and towards integration of rare and common variant analyses. Lastly, we would like to give attention to the trajectory from basic research to clinical application of findings.
For 2022, we encourage submissions related to the broad field of psychiatric genetics, and the following topics are of particular interest to the Program Committee:
- Polygenic Risk Scores – Methods and Applications
- Functional Genomics
- Ethical Issues and Genetic Counselling
- Genetic overlap & comorbidity between disorders
- Population Level Studies
- New phenotyping and genetics/genomics methods and analytical tools
- Interdisciplinary studies
- Diversity and trans-ancestry studies
- Prediction and stratification
The following submission types will be accepted:
Deadline: March 16, 2022 (chairs) and March 23, 2022 (participants)
A symposium is a 1½ hour session with a maximum of 7 participants. Each submission must include: 1 chair, 1 co-chair, 4 speakers, and 1 formal discussant. The discussant may not be a speaker. The chair and co-chair may be a speaker on the panel. An individual can only participate (includes all roles) in a maximum of two (2) symposia. Chairs should have their overall abstract, list of participants and disclosures entered by March 16, 2022. Participants must have individual abstracts and disclosures entered by March 23, 2022.
Deadline: EXTENDED TO May 15, 2022
When submitting, you may choose if you would like your abstract considered for both oral presentation and poster presentation or one of the two options. Oral presentations are 10 minutes in length followed by 5 minutes of discussion. Please note the number of oral presentations accepted is limited.
Deadline: EXTENDED TO May 15, 2022
Early career investigator is an individual who is an undergraduate student, graduate student, medical student, post-doctoral student, or less than five years out of a doctoral program in a field relevant to psychiatric genetics. Individuals will need to submit an ECIP application along with a scientific session abstract, such as oral, poster or symposia presentation abstract submission. Only one application will be accepted per person. Past ECIP travel award recipients are not eligible to receive the award again. However, you can participate in the oral and poster finalist program that will be judged during the meeting. Details are on the ECIP Programming Information.
Deadline: May 12, 2022
Nominations are now being accepted for the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics Honorific Awards. The available awards are Ming Tsuang Lifetime Achievement Award, the Theodore Reich Young Investigator Award, and the Gershon Paper of the Year Award. Click here for a full description of these Awards.
Submission Type | Deadlines: | Status | Submission Instructions |
Symposia Presentation (chairs) | March 16, 2022 | CLOSED | View Instructions |
Symposia Presentation (participant) | March 23, 2022 | CLOSED | View Instructions |
Oral and Poster Presentation* | May 15, 2022 | CLOSED | View Instructions |
Gershon Paper of the Year Award | May 12, 2022 | CLOSED | View Instructions |
Ming Tsuang Lifetime Achievement Award | May 12, 2022 | CLOSED | View Instructions |
Theodore Reich Young Investigator Award | May 12, 2022 | CLOSED | View Instructions |